The Grace of God
Philip Smith - Principal Trumpet with the New York Philharmonic
Testimony of his faith in Jesus Christ
Chester Schmitz - Principal Tuba with the Boston Symphony and the Boston Pops. https://chesterschmitz.com/biography/
Testimony of his faith in Jesus Christ
Doug Yeo - Bass Trombone with the Boston Symphony and the Boston Pops. http://www.yeodoug.com/bio/text/yeobio.html
Testimony of his faith in Jesus Christ http://www.yeodoug.com/articles/text/mission.html
We all have a worldview. Like Philip Smith, my worldview comes from the life and teachings of Jesus Christ found in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. Philip Smith's masterful musicianship on the trumpet and his testimony and expression of gratitude are encouraging. It's a gratitude I also share for the amazing grace found in the person of Jesus Christ.
I am also moved and inspired by Bach's faith in God throughout his Cantatas, St. Matthew, and St. John Passions.
The inspiration for some of the works at SARAHTIM Music Publishing are impressions of passages from the Old and New Testament Scriptures.
C.S.Lewis stated - "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.”
Gregory Koukl - “The belief that objective good and evil do not exist (relativism) is in conflict (rivalry) with a rejection of God based on the existence of objective evil.”
Gregory Koukl - “given a Godless, physical universe, the idea that things are not as they should be makes little sense. How can something go wrong when there was no right way for it to be in the first place?
(Genesis 1:1) "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth..."
(John 1:1)"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. All things were created through him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created."
The Fall
(Romans 5:12)"Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man (Adam), and death through sin, in this way death spread to all people, because all sinned."
(Romans 5:17) "Since by the one man's trespass, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive the overflow of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ."
(Romans 5:7,8) "For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly. For rarely will someone die for a just person - though for a good person perhaps someone might even dare to die. But God proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us."