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Harmelodic Configurations (on the tones CBDAAG) 

V. Toccata (Driving the 5) / Concert Band / Grade 4-5 / ca. 5:00 / With Drama q= 120

Harmelodic Configurations Mvt. 5 Toccata (Driving the 5) Concert Band
00:00 / 04:42

Norwalk, CA.   (Photo by Stephen Hill)


Conductor Scores are available only in print. A Master Set of Parts can be obtained as Print or PDF, allowing printing of as many parts as needed. No tax is charged on PDF parts.

Complete Performance Azusa Pacific University Wind Ensemble
Dr. John Burdett, Conductor (Concert Program)

V. Toccata: Driving the 5 (With Drama, Faster) 

The phrases "Take the 5", "Driving the 5", "Get on the 5", and many others like them are all clearly understood by those who drive in California.


This movement begins with the gentle sounds of wind chimes, a sound I would often hear outside my studio when the breeze would begin to move the small wind chimes my wife had placed in the patio breezeway. The gentle chiming soon turns into a loud clash of clustered sounds that declare the day has begun and it is time to get on the "5" and make the mad dash to your destination. Whether going North or South, you are bound to encounter the hectic driving habits of Californians weaving in and out of lanes while "Driving the 5". The closing section recalls the frantic action it may take to change lanes in time to catch your exit off of the "5".

Individual Part Practice Files
Timestamp (2 Bar count off)
Rehearsal Number:  ms.10-:24, ms.21-:49, ms.27-:56, ms.40-1:15, ms.50-1:28, ms.60-1:41, ms.73-1:58, ms.81-1:08, 
ms.90-2:20, ms.98-2:30, ms.106-2:40, ms.114-2:50, ms.121-3:00, ms.129-3:10, ms.137-3:20 ms.144-3:29, ms.153-3:41, 
ms.163-3:54, ms.173-4:07 ms.183


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